Feed Your Start-Ups Early Stage Growth with Advisory Services

Ever wonder how you can FEED your Start-Up's success? The right people are the key you are looking for, especially in early-stage growth…… Take a look:

I spoke with Jacob Lindberg co-founder of VersaWare Technologies, about their Technical Talent Hiring experience and he shared the primary challenges they face as a startup, while trying to build their team in the early stages.

Their main hiring concerns?

  • Early-stage hiring is pivotal to the life span of the company. It can literally make or break success

  • The traditional interview process doesn’t provide a complete picture that can be attributed to how someone will perform in their role.

  • As they transition to a scaleup, there is a desire for a more thorough process that can provide attribution to success on the job.

What can Millenilink Tech Talent Advisory Services do to address these concerns?

  • Ensure your role requirements align with the current tech labor market, increasing relevant candidate attraction.

  • Use our industry expertise to help coach YOUR hiring team on how to better prioritize requirements, assess candidate skills, decision-making criteria, and ensure the interview process provides an optimal candidate experience for candidates in high demand.

  • Help cater your talent attraction methods to your target market, ensuring your team hires candidates with the appropriate technical and soft skills that align to your business goals and culture.

Watch the video to hear more from Jacob Lindberg, and how end-to-end Tech Talent Advisory Services could alleviate these hiring challenges.

Book a consultation and start addressing your organization's technical hiring challenges.

VersaWare Technologies is a Natural language based Nutrition AI device. With Hands free interaction, the device can be used to log your meals and provide you with information about the nutritional impacts of the food you're consuming.


Gen Z in the Workforce Pt. 2


Generation Z in the Workforce (Part 1)