How To Know If Your Recruiters Are Good For You
A good recruiter wants to work with you for life, not just to fill a role once. After all, your career isn't a one hit wonder. You are always evolving and there will be opportunities to get you roles over and over again over the course of a lifetime.
Good recruiters are subject matter experts who understand the market. They want to know what you’re looking for and grow with you. Bad ones are typically more transactional in nature and will do things like present opportunities that are irrelevant or fail to provide you feedback.
Does your recruiter understand what’s going on in the industry? Do they want to help you succeed in your role or are they just looking to put you in a role based on a keyword match on your resume?
Having the right kind of recruiter by your side can be an essential relationship if you want to be strategic about your career growth. Yes, you can leverage your personal network, use social media and see what’s posted on job boards,however many times recruitershave access to roles that arenot posted.They will typically also have proactive information about upcoming postings that may be valuable to you, therefore, making them an essential relationship for you to have, among others.
Here are signs you may want to consider when speaking to a recruiter:
Communication Etiquette: Do they do what they say they are going to do?
Green Flags:
They provide FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK throughout all stages of the process but most importantly after your interview and while on the job
They call you back when they say they will
They ask what kind of opportunities you’re looking for and actually consider those that are relevant
The conversation is about how to set you up for success and understanding your goals
They maintain communication and provide coaching advice even when you don’t get a role
They have career tips for you in terms of certifications and continued learning while you are happily working in a job you enjoy
They build a relationship with you so even if there is nothing available immediately, there may be one in the future
“I like my experience with recruiters that are in my corner. They’re fighting to get me the job and rooting for me. It’s not like the ones that are finding reasons not to hire me. They’re finding reasons to present me for opportunities that best align to me.” - M.K., Machine Learning Developer
Red Flags:
You are unable to get feedback on your interviews
They don’t do what they say they will
No preparation for your interviews
Pressuring you into accepting a role that does not align to what you are looking for
The conversation is solely transactional about putting you into a role
They are not very good at negotiating with clients on your behalf
You get placed and forgotten with no on-going feedback about your performance
They have no interest in building a relationship with you
“I was working with two recruiters and accepted the first recruiter’s offer. But then the other recruiter gave me a better offer. When I called the first recruiter to reject his offer, he got so upset, he started being aggressive in his tone. He said I would ruin my reputation in the industry, that I had no integrity, and I was pressured into taking the role. As a young engineer, I fell for it. I ended up taking a role that was a horrible, high stress job where I was up until 4 am, working 80 hours a week.” - J.M., Java Developer
It should be noted that J.M. is early in his career and didn’t receive the coaching from his recruiter on not accepting an offer until he had feedback from ALL his interviews. Alternatively, if they had proactively ranked which one’s best aligned to his selection criteria, then his first choice could have been accepted while not accepting and rejecting a second choice opportunity. Allowing him to make the best decision for himself and his career is the ultimate goal. Being able to share with a recruiter that you have multiple opportunities or interviews should be normal and you should not feel pressured into taking a role that does not align with your skills, goals, and interests.
Subject Matter Experts: Do they Understand the Industry and Your Role?
Green Flags:
They only present you opportunities that fit your skills, goals and interests
They’re honest about the challenges the role may present
They want to know what you’ve been working on and what excites you
The kind of culture you enjoy and thrive in is a key consideration beyond just a skills match
They can have a conversation about what is going on in the industry with you
If you want to renegotiate, they will guide you through the risks and how to best present your case for a raise
“The best recruiters I have (Millenilink) knows me inside out. They know my motivation, my education, and what kind of lifestyle I live. I feel like i can disregard whatever job description or company profile it is because I can trust my recruiter to find an environment and challenge that matches what I want.” - D.P., Associate Partner
Red Flags:
They offer you roles that don't match your skills, goals and interests
They don’t give you the pros and cons of each opportunity
The answers to their questions can be found on your LinkedIn or resume
All they know is that your resume is a keyword match to the role
Don’t know much about the role they are presenting you for and don’t tell you in advance
They don’t consider cultural fit for you
They are unable to speak about the industry at large
“I shouldn’t have to sell myself to recruiters for job requirements as that is only ever ⅓ to ½ of what a client is looking for. Some recruiters just go with what the job description says without understanding what they are really looking for. Being able to find the right person without excluding the wrong people takes someone who understands the industry and company.” - S.R., Senior Project Manager
Preparing for the Future: Are they a Strategic Partner?
Green Flags:
Are open about you having more than one recruiter to find the best opportunity
Negotiates for you and is willing to adapt to your needs
Checks up on how you are adjusting to a new opportunity to understand how your onboarding has gone and continues to give performance feedback as well as assist with any gaps
Is able to give you long term coaching on how to go from one position into a new position you are trying to grow into
“I’ve always gotten feedback from interviewers or recruiters on why I got a role or didn’t. Usually I don’t need to ask and I really enjoy that.” S.A., Cybersecurity Program Manager
Red Flags:
Doesn’t put much energy into closing knowledge gaps they may have about a role
No feedback about how your interview has gone
Unable to give you advice around training, coaching and overall professional development
Just calls you when it is time for renewal
Are you ready for the future? Make sure you have the right kind of recruiters by your side.
“This industry is changing so fast, whatever’s true now isn’t five years from now. I’d like to have recruiters that can work with me for my whole career.” R.V., Software Developer
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